Friday, April 18, 2008

Been a while!!

So I slacked again and haven't posted for a while. The truth is, it's because I have been busy actually scrapping. You know all that stuff we spend hundreds of dollars shopping for but never seem to use any of , Well, I actually dove into my stash and used it for once!!

OK, well mostly because of my weekend long crop I went to. It was pretty fun. I enjoyed myself. 2 of my friends had to cancel at the last minute so it was just Alexis and I but we still had fun. I was able to get 60 pages done. Yes, I said "60". I was very organized before so it was easy to get pages done quickly doing that. Since I have almost 130 pages for my Disney album, I knew I had to be this way.

Since I have come back from the crop I have done about another 25. And tomorrow I have our Cricut Swarm to attend so I am hoping to get lots more finished then as well. Once I am all finished I will post lots of pics.

But now I need to go pack my things for the Swarm!! I will update more Sunday!

1 comment:

Enfys said...

I've really enjoyed reading your blog, love your chatty informal style, just the type of blog that makes me feel as if I am reading a good book with my coffee x